WATCH: How to prevent youth crime

November 2, 2015 10:20 am
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Produced by Barbara Be on My Channel Sky 203 – Chrissy B Show.

Chrissy speaks to psychologist and ex-police officer Leah Perkins about the reasons behind youth crime and young adult crime. She also speaks to ex gang member, rapper and now film director Fredi ‘KRUGA’ Nwaka, who turned his life around and is now helping troubled young people into the world of TV and Film.

One of the guests is an ex-gang member, rapper & film director/Found of C.R.I.M.E – Fredi ‘KRUGA’ Nwaka
C.R.I.M.E is a voluntary scheme aimed at taking troubled young people, gang members and ex-offenders and introducing them to the world of TV and Film. It was set up by ex-gang member, rapper and film director Fredi ‘KRUGA’ Nwaka in an attempt to help troubled youth and ex offenders not only launch a career in media and music, but also to re integrate those who have perhaps been alienated from society because of their history or associations.
C.R.I.M.E aims to divert young people away from violent crime

