Mark Duggan’s Film The Hard Stop was released in the summer last year, where it follows Duggan’s family & his 2 best friends Marcus Knox-Hooke & Kurtis Henville as they struggle with his death.
The ‘Hard Stop’ is an intimate documentary revealing the story, away from all press coverage, of Mark Duggan’s friends & family. He was shot & killed in a ‘Hard Stop’ police procedure in 2011, sparking the most violent riots in British history.
For 28 months, director #GeorgeAmponsah filmed around Broadwater Farm in Tottenham, where Duggan grew up.
In July 2016 OnTrax TV went down to watch the film screening with Q&As & to speak to George, Marcus & Curtis about the injustice, the importance of the documentary’s message, how they feel & why they made it.
Check out the trailer for our interview here ……..
In our new series we will be showcasing street talent & giving them a platform to shine, giving motivational tips from those in the media industry & video training for vocals & production.
We will also be bringing to you topical mini documentaries delving into the history of music & the meaning & culture of all the genres & nationalities.
Music & art is the universal language we all share. #TalentwithNoJudgement
Video Filmed by Barbara Be
Video Edited by George Sonei